IL course preparations

This week, I've spent most of my time preparing for my EDT [Educational Technology] 110:  Community Research Connections course.  My co-teacher and I have been in conversations with our community partner, Project READ, since August.  Our students will research assessment tools that reading tutors can use with their students, compile research portfolios and make recommendations to Project READ (PR) based on their findings.    This is a need PR has had for some time, but they haven't had the time to do the research themselves. Starting next week, you'll learn more about specific lesson plans, assignments, etc.  Some background:  our course meets once a week on Tuesdays for 10 weeks.  Check back for details about the course from Jan. 4 - March 8. Class 1 plans include:  Syllabus overview, Service Learning overview (presentation given by Dr. Sarah Twill, Faculty Liaison to the Office of Service Learning at Wright State and Assistant Professor of Social Work), Project READ orientation (presented by Becky Garvin, Interim Director for Project READ), and a pre-assessment of student's perceptions of their research skills using the student response systems, or "clickers".

CategoriesInformation Literacy Course (EDT 110), SL Models